This day-long workshop, limited to 30 participants, will provide a full introduction to the benefits of the iPad and examine why so many schools are deploying iPads to support learning.
Course information:
Entry Requirements:Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, Kindergarten Teachers, Language Teachers, Head of Department
Location:ISQ Professional Learning Centre
Level 5 / 500 Queen Street, Brisbane
Locality Map: Us/Map/Map.pdf
Event Information: This workshop forms part of as series "Learning Technology Integration". Learning with iPads for Primary Teachers will be presented by Apple and
incorporate how iPads can be integrated into your Primary curriculum.
The workshop will include:
* Exploring the potential of iPad to help transform teaching and learning in your classroom.
* Using the SAMR model to create iPad workflows aligned to the Australian Curriculum.
* Discover Accessibility features to individualise student learning.
* Share ideas and learn from others to understand the most effective ways to use the iPad in the primary classroom.
* Case Studies - from ISQ schools on how they have incorporated the above elements in their school.
AITSL Standards Covered: 2.1; 2.6; 3.2; 3.3