SECTIONS: Intro | Shared Knowledge Base | Educational Applications | Blog
This site focuses on how iBeacon bluetooth locaters may support education. Also called beacons or motes, these transmitters allow smart devices to interact with local, physical locations to inspire new modes of learning. While they are fast appearing in shops, stadiums & museums, their potential for schools, training & universities is an untapped frontier.
HOT TIP: Head to LinkedIn and join this fast growing iBeacons discussion group.
As beacons in education are such a new tool, I have created an online collaborative document that educators can add their knowledge to as we all begin to discover the WHAT, HOW, WHO and WHERE of using them.
The best of the shared knowledge I will add to the Knowledge Base page HERE.
Most of the applications that beacons are being used for are in shops and retail centres - but why should they have all the fun? I am interested in how learning can be enhanced and extended by the proximity triggers and 'push' information that beacons allow.
To this end, a list and description of valid educational uses that I will add to over time can be found HERE.
Visit this Pinterest page setup by Gary Bass with a great collection of beacon resources: