Since the very first computers were introduced, the question has been asked - do such tools effect thinking, and thus learning and Education?
The resounding answer from the 1940's to today has been yes. And yet two different models have emerged as to how computing tools should be used. The first chooses to focus on the technology itself, but the second, which research has proven is effective, focuses on the task.
SCROLL DOWN to learn about which model you may have adopted, or begin your journey now.
All photography by Jonathan Nalder.
Ineffective Model
Technology will always be ineffective at improving education when it falls victim to the 'Shiny Object Syndrome' where the tech itself becomes the focus. Often in this scenario it is assumed that the very presence of digital technology in teacher and student hands will of itself be enough. Because this approach focuses so heavily on the tool, often vital planning and training are neglected, and the technology only serves to reinforce the traditional learning that was already occurring.
Have you inadvertently begun using this model? JNXYZ can help you audit your practice to find out.
Effective Model
For technology to be effective at improving teaching and learning, the focus of planning and training must remain on the learning goals and tasks that schools and universities have already determined as priorities. In this scenario, technology becomes only another tool for achieving these goals, and is only adopted if it does in fact provide a way to improve educational outcomes, and eventually allow the tasks to be redefined.
This is the type of focus that JNXYZ can help you move to and maintain and grow over time.