MiTE 2019 with Jonathan Nalder:
Mobile and ready for anything
Play, Creativity and launching best practice for classrooms so students can be future ready.
MiTE 2019 with Jonathan Nalder:
Mobile and ready for anything
Play, Creativity and launching best practice for classrooms so students can be future ready.
1. Keynote resources
2. First on Mars sandbox
3. Make XR (AR, VR, 3D +)
4. Even more resources
The future is arriving faster than ever - so how can we actually get learners ready?!
SCENARIO 2035. 30-70% of jobs have been impacted by robotics and AI. Apps write their own code. Universal Basic Income has replaced the need for ‘work’ to define our lives. Humans are an inter-planetary species. Bio- tech is regularly implanted at birth. BUT how to start with preparing students for any of this?
Follow slides live on your device during Saturday keynote (Experimental :)
Future Readiness self-mapping survey:
*ALSO: Ask about having your own Future Readiness Survey setup so you can track and support your team or project and have full access to their data.
BONUS - ask about joining the free empathy-boosting program from that connects your students to global classrooms.
In our workshop we will imagine, play, experiment and give you space to consider how to boost creativity and future-readiness in your classroom.
The First on Mars program has been developed as: “A sandpit for delivering best practice learning that shows how to prepare students for success now and into their futures”.
The first half of the workshop you will experience activities from the program for yourself,
The second half you will be invited to unpack the activities, play more with mobile tech, and begin applying to your work with learners
First on Mars is based on the literacies of the Future Readiness Framework - Creativity, Community, Thinking and Planning, Project Delivery and Storytelling
The ‘First School on Mars Playbook’ shows how to apply our activities in any classroom. Available for FREE just for MiTE for January:
eBook via our site
Amazon Print on demand also available:
Next generation storytelling via VR, AR, 3D
Download Jonathan’s free mini-book with overview, tips and lesson workflows at
See Jonathan’s CoSpaces Edu ‘made in 15 mins’ demo spaces:
1. Mars • 2. School project demo
3D Face Scanning Bellus3D
Extensive research from the last 10 years shows that most learning environments are actively harming student learning through inadequate lighting, sound levels and air quality. In the past it was difficult to measure these at an individual room level, but new IOT (Internet of things) technology means classrooms can now be optimised as never before - even to the point of improving results in your school by 16%.
Jonathan has been involved with and inspired by Learnometer, an advanced classroom environment sensor under development by Prof Stephen Heppell which will have a production version available early 2020.
About Jonathan:
Jonathan has 18 years experience helping light the spark that schools, universities & businesses can use to grow and learn together. From a Drama educator, to learning difficulties teachers, to technology trainer he has honed the craft of helping learners transition to digital tools, with a focus on mobile devices and SAMR model - and now AR, VR and XR. He also spends 90 mins a day researching future trends to distill this with his experience as a story-teller, teacher, & facilitator so he can facilitate rich, collaborative conversations and support missions like those from Let’s get busy!
Connect: Twitter: @jnxyz
Advance Queensland Digital Champion . COSN Advisor . Distinguished Educator . ICT Trainer St Peters Lutheran College . Gen[In] Board Member . First on Mars founder
The Future Starts With...
Take Action, or Read More Below
The Future Starts With...
Take Action, or Read More Below
SCROLL DOWN to learn about which model you may have adopted, or begin your journey now.
All photography by Jonathan Nalder.
Technology will always be ineffective at improving education when it falls victim to the 'Shiny Object Syndrome' where the tech itself becomes the focus. Often in this scenario it is assumed that the very presence of digital technology in teacher and student hands will of itself be enough. Because this approach focuses so heavily on the tool, often vital planning and training are neglected, and the technology only serves to reinforce the traditional learning that was already occurring.
Have you inadvertently begun using this model? JNXYZ can help you audit your practice to find out.
For technology to be effective at improving teaching and learning, the focus of planning and training must remain on the learning goals and tasks that schools and universities have already determined as priorities. In this scenario, technology becomes only another tool for achieving these goals, and is only adopted if it does in fact provide a way to improve educational outcomes, and eventually allow the tasks to be redefined.
This is the type of focus that JNXYZ can help you move to and maintain and grow over time.
I can help...
I can help...
By listening to your needs, and helping you with strategic planning that focuses on integrating tech in ways that supports your learning tasks, and not the other way around.
We will achieve this focus in particular by drawing on the Challenge Based Learning and SAMR frameworks to move your staff and students from merely using technology as a substitute for what you were already doing, to a place where you can begin to redefine your learning tasks to address the challenges that educators and students face as the digital revolution really picks up speed.
Why engage JNXYZ to train your staff?
Why engage JNXYZ to train your staff?
- Apple Development Executive
New Media Consortium (USA)
Hewlett Packard Catalyst Academy (USA)
Learning Without Frontiers (UK)
State Library of Queensland
The Living Knowledge Place
Education Services Australia
HP Life-Global online courses
Hewlett Packard Life Courses
One Laptop per Child Australia
Appolearning (USA)
Stronger Smarter Institute
Indigenous Education and Training Futures
TAFE Queensland
Edutech Australia
Explain Everything App
Apple Distinguished Educators
Sunshine Coast University
V2 eLearning
National Museum of Australia
Queensland University of Technology
Cognition eLearning
21st Century Learning International
It's not often we have enough time or head space to properly think through just what our students or staff are capable of. JNXYZ training can guide you through a series of 'moon-shot' planning workshops where you will be able to think big and identify the potential for innovation that you already possess.
There are times when smaller groups of 3-30 are best for workshopping and planning. Get in touch via the booking form and let us know how we can customise such a session for you.
For some initiatives, individual tutoring can prove the best option. If one on one, or groups of 2 or 3 may suit your training needs best, please indicate that on our enquiry and booking form.
In this Post-PC era, the ability to access information, communicate, and create content anywhere at anytime can empower learning and productivity in a number of important ways. If you would like to harness this for your learners or business, JNXYZ training can customise a program just for your needs. This could include an intro to mobile devices, or more advanced topics like mobile photography or videography, or citizen science.
If you are one of the many schools or businesses looking at or deploying iPads or tablet computers, then JNXYZ training is uniquely equipped through our sub-site to meet your needs.
Whatever your technology of choice, or how much big picture planning you have completed, the actual stage of integrating technology into your school, institution or business is a crucial one that can make or break the entire process. We can show you the what and how to ensure success.
Digital storytelling and mobile journalism are increasingly becoming sought after skills as content creation becomes as, or more important than content consumption. JNXYZ training can show you how to capture, edit and publish beautiful stories wherever and whenever.
Where science was once thought of as a lab-based discipline, the availability of affordable smart devices and mobile sensors has helped create a new field of Citizen Science, where students and communities can be empowered by mobile devices to collect and benefit from their own data collection. JNXYZ training has developed a free cScience course, and can assist you to develop projects of your own.
Despite the ubiquitousness of technology in our daily lives, the linking together of different products and the maximising of what tech we already own can prove a challenge. JNXYZ training can work with you to help you get the best out of your existing investments to improve your productivity.
Watch and wearables, iBeacons, classroom environment testing, the SAMR model, the NMC Horizon Report, iTunes U, Digital Storytelling, using Instagram for #infopics and mobile photography, introductory 4K video for education, and Build - an Education theory of everything
If you are unsure what option you need...
If you are unsure what option you need...
Innovation and Planning Package: Up to 10 days (which could be across one school term) of guiding your staff (and students) through how to foster a culture of creativity and innovation through the use of the SAMR model and Challenge Based Learning, as well as how to incorporate such thinking into a detailed project plan that integrates technology deeply into learning.
Preparing Your Project Package: Up to 10 days of working with your leadership team and selected staff (and student) champions to mentor them through preparing your project to move from plans to implementation to achieve maximum success. Includes assistance with preparing support resources and meeting with key partners and stake holders.
Implementing Your Project Package: Up to 10 days of supporting your staff through the implementation stage of your project to assist with trouble-shooting, additional staff training, creating additional support resources, and preparing to publish your end-products.
Evaluating Your Project Package: Up to 10 days of gathering reflective data and evaluate footage and artefacts to be packaged into a project report. This can further be developed into an online showcase and integrated with assistance to publish the projects end-products.
Go HERE to find out more about how these packages can work for you.
Add your details here, and a message about what you need:
All about my aims and experience in delivering effective EdTech training and planning
All about my aims and experience in delivering effective EdTech training and planning
>>> Please note this is an older page - contact Jonathan for updates!
Jonathan has 18 years experience helping light the spark that schools, universities & businesses can use to grow and learn together. From a Drama educator, to learning difficulties teachers, to technology trainer he has honed the craft of helping learners transition to digital tools, with a focus on mobile devices and SAMR model - and now AR, VR and XR ( He also spends 90 mins a day researching future trends to distill this with his experience as a story-teller, teacher, & facilitator so he can facilitate rich, collaborative conversations and support missions like those from Let’s get busy!
Missions: > How to think beyond tomorrow to thrive today.
Advance Queensland Digital Champion . COSN Advisor . Apple Distinguished Educator . ICT Trainer St Peters Lutheran College . Gen[In] Board Member . First on Mars founder
Jonathan has worked with:
Gen In Student Innovation Program
MiTE Conference
New Media Consortium (USA)
Hewlett Packard Catalyst Academy (USA)
Learning Without Frontiers (UK)
State Library of Queensland
The Living Knowledge Place
Education Services Australia
HP Life-Global online courses
One Laptop per Child Australia
Appolearning (USA)
Stronger Smarter Institute
Indigenous Education and Training Futures
TAFE Queensland
Edutech Australia
Explain Everything App
Apple Distinguished Educators
Sunshine Coast University
V2 eLearning
National Museum of Australia
Queensland University of Technology
Book Creator App
21st Century Learning International
Cognition eLearning
For personal enquiries, please contact
Visit to learn about Jonathan Nalder and his experience, awards and publications.
Twitter Sharing:
Visit to see the latest #Edtech, #mLearn and #iPadEd links and info that Jonathan has been sharing.
Jonathan Nalder BIO:
* ICT Digital Coach, St Peters Lutheran College
* Founder,
* Former Project Officer: Mobile & Digital Learning, Indigenous Education, Queensland Department of Education
* Former One Laptop per Child Project Officer
* Literacy, Numeracy,History, Drama Teacher
* Apple Distinguished Educator
* Co-founder of Slide2learn iPad & iPhone Education community
* Author, 'The iPad is not a PC - How to think different about app workflows' iBook
* Co-founder of E20 education community
* Winner, Learning Without Frontiers Primary Innovator Award (UK)
* New Media Consortium K-12 Ambassador
* Made a HP Catalyst Academy Fellow, 2013
* Member of NMC Horizon Report Board 2014+
* Selected for HP Life 'Back to School' Campaign via E20
* Explain Everything Advisory Board 2014
* Book Creator Ambassador 2015
* Winner, NMC Henderson Prize 2015
* Received Apple Professional Development Certification 2015
* EdFutures Senior Fellow 2016
CoSpaces Edu Ambassador
Beacons & Education
Beacons & Education
- Geoff Ellwood
Examine one of the links above, or find your own link
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1. What is the SAMR model?
> Substitution > Augmentation > Modification > Redefinition
2. As a group, match the use cases above with the SAMR levels using the SAMR Journey template • LINK
HOT TIP: Head to LinkedIn to join the fast growing 'iBeacons in Education' discussion group.