According to a range of experts*, the number of today's jobs set to be impacted by technologies like AI and robotics is in the range of 14-70%. In such an unpredictable future, and when research by Dr George Land shows creative lateral thinking drops to only 12% by the end of formal education* - what future-proof literacies, or 'Human Intelligences' will help us be ready for a potentially amazing new future? And how can we map such intangible skills so we can track progress and show others our readiness?
The Be Future Ready Framework has been built as an evolving guide to drive progress across the five domains and twenty literacies and provide an actionable set of steps so learners and orgs can create their own solutions, jobs and futures no matter what a fully digital era brings. [ *Research links here ]
5 DOMAINS: We start with exploring, playing and creativity and gain skills across each domain to ensure success:
KEY CONCEPTS: These 45+ best practice ideas have been contributed by our community and are what the framework is built on:
20 FUTURE LITERACIES: These are the ‘HI’ (human intelligences) skills, approaches and mindsets that ensure we can invent new solutions, jobs and futures no matter what comes - as identified and summarised by the FutureWe Community:
Click to view full framework V11a
View the full framework v11a
Click the image to enlarge >
• Download English Version v11a
• Download Espanol Version 11a 🇪🇸
• Download Swedish Version 🇸🇪 v10
[Portuguese version soon]
Click to view student version
Student ‘starter’ edition
Developed with student input for years
5 to 12. Includes a suggested classroom task. (Click to view full size or download in other languages above)
HOW can you use the framework?
Framework Micro-Course
Learn directly from FutureWe founder Jonathan Nalder over 5 Episodes about the WHAT and HOW of the Be Future Ready Framework and being set to adapt and thrive tomorrow and today. The micro-course is targeted at professionals in Education, Training, HR and more who love how the framework can support learners and workers, but need a deeper understanding so they can deploy and apply it. *On Sale for early adopters.
Episode 1 is ready to download - start earning your Framework Digital Badge today!
Framework Cheat Sheet
This ‘cheat sheet’ intro PDF will give you the background you need to begin understanding the framework and the key foundational ideas that form the framework - AND how to begin applying it.
NB. To be updated to Version 11 soon
2. Survey TOOL
Our special framework survey allows you to check where you, your team, cohort or even service are on your future-readiness journey. The online version will email back your results with suggestions on your strengths and weaknesses.
(To be updated for version 11 soon).
This 5 min introduction from Jonathan that overviews the ‘why’ of FutureWe and the framework (updated video covering version 11 of framework coming soon):
To the 'EDUNAUTS' RADIO PODCAST where regulars and guests unpack what the Future Literacies mean for learning in partnership with
• iTunes Podcasts • Soundcloud
and contribute - supporters from 17 nations help give the framework the big-picture perspective it needs.
NOTE: The framework does evolve over the time from community input - always check back here for the latest version.
> Which Literacies are you already across? > Which Literacies do you and your organisation need to address?
FutureWe can run the training experiences you need to bring all five or just one or two of the Future Literacies to your organisation.
Find out about how the 'First on Mars' program delivers a live-action game experience around the Future Literacies HERE.
N.B. The five Future Literacies are being continually refined by our team of experts and verified by a process of peer-review so they can be as relevant as possible. Get in touch if you can help us refine it further.