First there was an idea, and then...

We grew into a community.
We are now 350+ strong with pioneers from 17 nations.

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The response to the pro-active FutureWe mindset of 'helping learners and leaders know how to dream up their own jobs, vocations and futures' has been huge.

It all began with building a 'Future-U' Community to:

1. Bring together leaders and experts from the Education AND Work AND Science AND engineering AND Employment worlds so our response is big picture and holistic enough to make the kind of difference that is needed.

2. Provide spaces for discussing and unpacking the Future Readiness framework (such as Edunauts podcast chats) so new solutions and pro-active mindsets can emerge to help us meet our goal of impacting 100,000.

From online spaces for messaging and chatting, to face to face meet ups, Declara and Mindhive discussions and more, this community provides a range of ways to achieve these goals... together.




We look forward to having you make a dent with us!

Contact us to find out more, or to join by contributing in other ways.

See the supporting experts team here.